Centre for Policy on Ageing


Earnings losses of older displaced workers
 — a detailed analysis with administrative data
Author(s)Kenneth A Couch, Nicholas A Jolly, Dana W Placzek
Journal titleResearch on Aging, vol 31, no 1, January 2009
Pagespp 17-40
KeywordsEmployment of older people ; Redundancy ; Economic status [elderly] ; Quantitative studies ; United States of America.
AnnotationEarnings losses of displaced older workers (age 40+) are common and have a significant effect on current and future well-being. This article uses information from the unemployment insurance system of the state of Connecticut (CT). These administrative records contain payroll information for virtually all workers in the state and, relative to previous research based on survey data, they contain many more instances of workers displaced because of mass layoffs. These data provided the basis for detailed, disaggregated estimates by age, gender and industry of employment. The estimates indicated that earnings losses associated with displacement rose sharply with age and were larger for those subsequently re-employed in different industry sectors. These findings are consistent with the idea that earnings decline following displacement due to losses of firm-specific human capital. Earnings reductions were larger for men than women but were proportionately very similar. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090127202 A
ClassmarkGC: WI: F:W: 3DQ: 7T

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