Centre for Policy on Ageing


Monitoring poverty and social exclusion 2008
Author(s)Guy Palmer, Tom MacInnes, Peter Kenway
Corporate AuthorNew Policy Institute; Joseph Rowntree Foundation - JRF
Journal titleFindings, 2338, December 2008
PublisherJoseph Rowntree Foundation - JRF, York, December 2008
Pages6 pp
SourceJoseph Rowntree Foundation, The Homestead, 40 Water End, York YO30 6WP. http://www.jrf.org.uk
KeywordsPoverty ; Social indicators ; Evaluation.
AnnotationThis report marks the tenth anniversary of the first edition of 'Monitoring poverty and social exclusion'. Built around a set of indicators constructed using the latest government data, the report assesses the record across a wide range of subjects, from low income to exclusion from services. It effectively provides a picture of the state of poverty and social exclusion in the UK just before the onset of the recent economic downturn. The authors conclude that while several headline indicators show early momentum has not been sustained, this pattern is by no means the norm. Eight of the 56 statistics measured over the last 10 years relate to older people. While performance has improved in that time on the indicators "single income pensions in low income households" and "low income households without a bank account", performance has worsened on the indicators "pensioners not taking up benefits to which they are entitled", and "people aged 75+ being helped by social services to live at home". The full report on which these findings are based, is published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF), or available as a free download (at www.poverty.org.uk or www.jrf.org.uk). The first named website holds the latest data as well as detailed analyses for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090115001 A
ClassmarkW6: TM:3RI: 4C

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