Centre for Policy on Ageing


Age discrimination in financial services
 — final report of the Experts' Working Group
Corporate AuthorFinancial Services Experts' Working Group
PublisherHM Treasury, October 2008
Pages180 pp (PU 532)
SourceCorrespondence and Enquiry Unit, HM Treasury, 1 Horse Guards Road, London SW1A 2HQ. Download from website: http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/fin_rsf_age_discrimi...
KeywordsFinancial services [older people] ; Financial institutions ; Ageism ; Social policy ; Costs ; Government publications.
AnnotationThe Financial Services Experts' Working Group on age discrimination was formed in April 2008 following a Government paper on the Discrimination Law Review's proposals for a Single Equality Bill. The Government invited experts from financial services and age representatives to form a working group to discuss age legislation in financial services and to present evidence. This report by the Working Group discusses and estimates the costs of these options: do nothing; introduce a system to signpost customers to firms who can meet their needs; or make unjustified age discrimination unlawful, given certain assumptions. Annexes include: a map of financial services and who regulates them; an inventory of age related products and services; relevant information relating to the European Employment Directive and legislation passed in Australia, Ireland, New Zealand and the US; and analysis of provision for older people by general and long-term insurance, banking and credit. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-090113202 E
ClassmarkJ: WNL: B:TOB: TM2: WC: 6OA

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