Centre for Policy on Ageing


London Older People's Assembly post conference report
 — editions in stock: 2002 (lst) to 2008 (6th)
Corporate AuthorLondon Older People's Strategies Group - LOPSG, Greater London Authority - GLA; Mayor of London
PublisherGreater London Authority, London
SourceGLA, City Hall, The Queen's Walk, London SE1 2AA. www.lopsg.org.uk
KeywordsSocial policy ; Conference proceedings ; London.
AnnotationReport of annual conference organised by the London Older People's Strategies Group (LOPSG). Each year the conference is focused on a theme and the report highlights the key points made by speakers and delegates throughout the day. The Mayor of London is usually in attendance on the day. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-090106201 B
ClassmarkTM2: 6M: 82L

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