Centre for Policy on Ageing


As heavy as a mountain rock
 — how HIV affects older people in developing countries
Corporate AuthorHelp the Aged; HelpAge International
PublisherHelp the Aged, London, 2008
Pages25 pp
SourceHelp the Aged, 207-221 Pentonville Road, London N1 9UZ. E-mail: info@helptheaged.org.uk Website: www.helptheaged.org.uk HelpAge International website: www.helpage.org
KeywordsAIDS ; Children ; Informal care ; Older people ; Developing countries.
AnnotationUp to half of the world's 15 million children orphaned by AIDS are being cared for by an older carer. This publication comments that the impact of the HIV and AIDS epidemic on older people is under-reported, and that the needs of this group of older people are often overlooked by HIV and AIDS programmes: the erroneous assumption is made that older people are not affected. Key statistics are given on older carers, HIV and AIDS; and the financial, social and emotional impacts of caring are highlighted. One in 14 people living with HIV are aged 50+ (Report on the global AIDS epidemic; UNAIDS, 2006); and there is a gender bias in that women are disproportionately affected. HelpAge and Help the Aged International give a brief description of their treatment, prevention and programmes and policy work in tackling HIV and AIDS. Recommendations are made to governments and NGOs such as UNAIDS to make HIV and AIDS services available and sensitive to older older people. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-081205007 B
ClassmarkCQTT: SBC: P6: B: 7B

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