Centre for Policy on Ageing


Service user and carer involvement
 — beyond good intentions
Author(s)Mo McPhail
PublisherDunedin Academic Press, Edinburgh, 2008
Pages87 pp (Policy and practice in health and social care, 4)
SourceDunedin Academic Press Ltd., Hudson House, 8 Albany Street, Edinburgh EH1 3QB. Website: www.dunedinacademicpress.co.uk
KeywordsServices ; Informal care ; Consumer ; Usage [services] ; Participation ; Training [welfare work] ; Scotland.
AnnotationBased on a collaboration between academics, carers and care users working on a project in Scotland to develop the involvement of service users and carers in social work education, this book identifies practices that go beyond good intentions. It examines the challenges in enabling people who are "experts by experience" to participate in an agenda that is largely dominated by "top down" managerial processes. It makes recommendations for future development and user and carer influence in professional education and training. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-081205004 B
ClassmarkI: P6: WY: QLD: TMB: QW: 9A

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