Centre for Policy on Ageing


Depression in older nursing home residents
 — the influence of nursing home environmental stressors, coping and acceptance of group and individual therapy
Author(s)Namkee G Choi, Sandy Ransom, Richard J Wyllie
Journal titleAging & Mental Health, vol 12, no 5, September 2008
PublisherTaylor & Francis, September 2008
Pagespp 536-547
KeywordsDepression ; Loneliness ; Stress ; Residents [care homes] ; Attitude ; Therapy ; Nursing homes ; Social surveys ; United States of America.
AnnotationBased on in-depth interviews with 65 older nursing home residents, this study examined the residents' own understanding and perceptions of depressive symptoms, causes of their depression, their self-reported coping strategies, and their preferences for acceptable depression interventions. About half of the interviewees (n=32) stated that they were feeling depressed or experiencing negative affects. Major themes relating to the causes of their depression were loss of independence, freedom and continuity with their past life; feelings of social isolation and loneliness; lack of privacy and frustration at the inconvenience of having a room-mate and sharing a bathroom; loss of autonomy due to the institutional regimen and regulations; ambivalence toward cognitively impaired residents; ever-present death and grief; staff turnover and shortage; and stale programming and lack of meaningful in-house activities. Self-reported coping mechanisms included religion and stoicism, a sense of a really positive attitude, and family support. With regard to depressive treatment, the interviewees appeared to prefer nursing home programmes that reduce their isolation over group or individual psychotherapy. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-081124230 A
ClassmarkENR: DV: QNH: KX: DP: LO: LHB: 3F: 7T

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