Centre for Policy on Ageing


Individual budgets on the frontline
 — [personalisation agenda]
Author(s)Jill Manthorpe
Journal titleCommunity Care, issue 1747, 13 November 2008
Pagespp 30-31
KeywordsServices ; Community care ; Domiciliary services ; Social security benefits ; Independence ; Pilot ; Evaluation.
AnnotationThe Individual Budget Evaluation Network (IBSEN) asked social care staff for their verdict on IBs. In the second of three articles, a Network member outlines the key findings. While there was a general welcome, in that staff thought that IBs could improve the lives of people using the services, there were also tensions between financial and other risks, concerns about the boundaries of social care expenditure, and matters of accountability regarding funding streams. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-081120204 A
ClassmarkI: PA: N: JH: C3: 4UC: 4C *

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