Centre for Policy on Ageing


Safeguarding adults
 — a study of the effectiveness of arrangements to safeguard adults from abuse
Corporate AuthorCommission for Social Care Inspection - CSCI
PublisherCommission for Social Care Inspection, London, Novenber 2008
Pages87 pp (Order code: CSCI-239)
SourceCommission for Social Care Inspection, 33 Greycoat Street, London SW1P 2QF. Email: enquiries@csci.gsi.gov.uk Link to download: http://www.csci.org.uk/default.aspx?page=2601&key= Free copies from: Admail 3804, Newcastle NE99 1DY.
Orderline: 0870 240 7535.
KeywordsElder abuse ; Management [care] ; Coordination ; Performance ; Inspection ; England.
AnnotationThe Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) has analysed evidence from inspections and other sources across councils, care homes, home care agencies and other social care services in England, to ascertain the responsiveness of safeguarding arrangements and the effectiveness of strategies to prevent abuse. This study reports on people's experiences of arrangements to safeguard them from abuse, and the quality of support and care practice. Overall, the study found variability in the quality of support, and that in the participant councils, annual increases in referrals ranged from 10% to 150%. The report comments on ways in which councils, care providers and the regulator check how well arrangements work to safeguard people from abuse, and how they then make improvements. It also looks at the strategic work of councils and local partnerships in responding to and preventing abuse. Conclusions are drawn on how safeguarding arrangements could be strengthened and improved, at local and national levels. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-081117001 B
ClassmarkQNT: QA: QAJ: 5H: 3U: 82

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