Centre for Policy on Ageing


Aging Vignettes
Corporate AuthorNational Advisory Council on Aging (Canada) - NACA
Journal titleAging Vignettes, 1993-1996, numbers 1 to 65
PublisherNational Advisory Council on Aging, Ottawa, ON
Pages(Aging Vignettes)
SourceNational Advisory Council on Aging, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0K9.
KeywordsStatistics [data] ; Canada.
AnnotationThese Aging Vignettes are based on the 1996 Census of Canada, although as a series they first appeared in 1992 to provide background material for a panel discussion looking at the future of ageing in Canada. Vignettes No. 1 - 20 provide a quick portrait of Canadian seniors; Vignettes No. 34 - 59 are on dementia; Vignettes No. 51 - 65, Canada's Retirement Income System; and Vignettes No. 66 - 96 (electronic format only), barriers to seniors' autonomy. The National Advisory Council on Aging was created on May 1, 1980, to assist and advise the Minister of Health on all matters related to the ageing of the Canadian population and the quality of life of seniors. NACA ceased operating in March 2007. A new National Seniors Council in Canada has been established. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-081113201 H
Classmark6C: 7S

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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