Centre for Policy on Ageing


The health and social care experiences of black and minority ethnic older people
Author(s)Jo Moriarty
Corporate AuthorRace Equality Foundation - REF
PublisherRace Equality Foundation - REF, London, July 2008
Pages 8 pp (Better Health Briefing 9)
SourceDownload from website: http://www.raceequalityfoundation.org.uk/health/fi... Race Equality Foundation, Unit 35, Kings Exchange, Tileyard Road, London N7 9AH.
KeywordsEthnic groups ; Health services ; Services ; Usage [services] ; Attitude ; Research Reviews.
AnnotationIn their own ways, the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF) and the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 have required public bodies to improve services to black and ethnic minority (BME) communities. This briefing paper reviews literature and research conducted in the last ten years which comment on the barriers to using services and attitudes of professionals experienced by ethnic groups. It also points to a growing body of evidence about what BME groups want from services: good quality services and more engagement with users. Although good services exist, it has been difficult to bring them into the mainstream. The briefing suggests other online resources on research, policy and practice relevant to BME older people's needs. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-081007207 P
ClassmarkTK: L: I: QLD: DP: 3A:6KC *

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