Centre for Policy on Ageing


The Hanover Group annual report
 — 1989 to 2007/08
Corporate AuthorHanover Group
PublisherHanover Group, Staines
SourceHanover Group, Hanover House, 1 Bridge Close, Staines TW18 4TB. http://www.hanover.org.uk
KeywordsAnnual reports.
AnnotationHanover Group is a provider of housing and related support services for older people. The "Hanover Group" is not a legal entity but an accounting group, whose annual report combines previously separate reports from the Hanover Housing Association, Hanover Housing Limited and various subsidiaries. The former body is a Corporate Trustee for the following registered charities: Margaret Jane Ashley Almshouse Charity; Jane Cameron's Old Peoples' Charity; Collins Memorial Trust; William Paul Housing Trust; Flood Charity; and Alfred Stubbs Trust Fund. All of these bodies have their accounts now included in the annual report (formerly separate). (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-080930501 P

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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