Centre for Policy on Ageing


The future regulation of health and adult social care in England
 — a consultation on the framework for the registration of health and adult social care providers
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Health - DH
PublisherElectronic format only - DH, March 2008
Pages104 pp (Gateway ref: 9217)
SourceDownload from website: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Consultations/Liveconsulta...
KeywordsHealth services ; Services ; Registration eg homes, nursing homes ; Government publications.
AnnotationThis consultation follows on from the previous consultation on the future regulation of health and adult social care (November 2006), and the response to that consultation, which was published in October 2007. This consultation ran from March 2008 to 17 June 2008 and is now closed. Subject to Parliamentary approval, the Health and Social Care Bill will establish the Care Quality Commission. From April 2009, the new Commission will take over the functions of the Healthcare Commission, the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) and the Mental Health Act Commission (MHAC). This consultation seeks views on: which health and adult social care services should require registration with the Care Quality Commission; and what the requirements for registration should be. Without registering with the Care Quality Commission, it will be illegal for health and adult social care organisations to provide services that come within the scope of registration. The registration requirements will therefore cover essential levels of safety and quality. The scope and requirements for registration will be set in secondary legislation, following a further consultation on regulations later in 2008. The consultation also seeks views on when providers of regulated services should be required to have a registered manager, and how primary care services should be included in the new registration system. The document sets out plans for transition to the new registration system, which will come into force from April 2010, with the exception of regulations on healthcare associated infections, which will come into force during 2009/10. Once established, the new Commission will develop and consult on its methodology and criteria for assessing compliance with the requirements. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080922202 E
ClassmarkL: I: Q3: 6OA

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