Centre for Policy on Ageing


The future home improvement agency: supporting choice and maintaining independence
 — a report overview
Corporate AuthorFoundations - National Co-ordinating Body for Home Improvement Agencies; Department for Communities and Local Government - DCLG
PublisherDepartment for Communities and Local Government, London, September 2008
Pages38 pp
SourceCommunities and Local Government Publications, PO Box 236, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23 7NB. For alternative formats, e-mail: alternativeformats@communities.gsi.gov.uk Download link at:
KeywordsOwner occupied dwellings ; Improvement ; Advisory services [elderly] ; Independence ; Living in the community ; Social policy ; Government publications.
AnnotationHome improvement agency (HIA) services - such as 'Care and Repair' or 'Staying Put' - originated more than 20 years ago, to provide responsive solutions to older owner occupiers' home repair, maintenance and adaptation problems. The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) commissioned Foundations, the National Co-ordinating Body for Home Improvement Agencies to carry out the Future HIA project. The project aims to set out a broad agenda for the sector's evolution; identifies what is being done well by some HIAs to suggest models for wider use; and examines national policy issues, for example those that were introduced in the report, 'Lifetime homes, lifetime neighbourhoods: a national strategy for housing in an ageing society' (DCLG, 2008). This report presents the initial findings on five areas of HIA services, for which Foundations will also be producing sub-reports: support for choice - information, advice and advocacy; funding repairs, improvements and adaptations; handyperson services; major adaptations; and connecting with health. The full report will be published in Autumn 2008. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080918004 B
ClassmarkKEA: 5ST: IT: C3: K4: TM2: 6OA

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