Centre for Policy on Ageing


'Care contradictions: putting people first?' The harsh reality for older people, their families and carers of increasing charges and tightening criteria
 — Counsel and Care's national survey of local authority care charging and eligibility criteria 2008
Corporate AuthorCounsel and Care
PublisherElectronic format - Counsel & Care, September 2008
Pages32 pp
SourceDownload from website: http://www.counselandcare.org.uk/assets/library/do...
KeywordsDomiciliary services ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Charges ; Social Services Departments ; Social surveys ; England.
AnnotationCounsel and Care's national survey of local authority care charging and eligibility criteria 2008 demonstrates that charging for care is ever-increasing, both at home and in a care home. About one third of calls to Counsel and Care's advice service relates to the high cost of, and confusion about, local authority charging policies - some with concerns about eligibility issues. This report on the survey suggests that there is potential for councils to: innovate by upholding the principles of personalisation; look at how they implement Fair Access to Care Services (FACS); promote greater independence and well-being; and consider needs versus means in charging. The report presents results on weekly charging, fixed charges, and care home rates. Counsel and Care recommends that a review on home care charging should be undertaken, and that future reform of care and support must ensure that any new charging procedures are transparent and equitable. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080916212 E
ClassmarkN: KW: LHB: QEJ: PF: 3F: 82

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