Centre for Policy on Ageing


Partners in care
 — a training package for involving families in dementia care homes
Author(s)Bob Woods, John Keady, Helen Ross
PublisherJessica Kingsley, London, 2008
PagesDVD + booklet, 29 pp (Bradford Dementia Group good practice guides)
SourceJessica Kingsley (Publishers) Ltd., 116 Pentonville Road, London N1 9JB. http://www.jkp.com
KeywordsDementia ; Nursing homes ; Care homes ; Care home staff ; Family care ; Coordination ; Instruction handbooks.
AnnotationThis training package is intended primarily for use by mixed groups of relatives and staff who are associated with the same home, to encourage mutual understanding and support. Four major themes are covered: sharing information; sharing the care; developing supportive relationships; and making it work. The aim is to help staff and relatives understand each other better, to develop positive ways of working together, and to have greater awareness of issues around family involvement. Other features include: examples of good practice for encouraging family involvement; reviewing current practice regarding family involvement in the care home; and identifying areas for improvement with an action plan. The package complements the book, 'Involving families in care homes: a relationship-centred approach to dementia care' by Bob Woods, John Keady and Diane Seddon (2007). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080902003 M
ClassmarkEA: LHB: KW: QRM: P6:SJ: QAJ: 69M

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