Centre for Policy on Ageing


Self reported receipt of care consistent with 32 quality indicators
 — national population survey of adults aged 50 or more in England
Author(s)Nicholas Steel, Max Bachmann, Susan Maisey
Journal titleBritish Medical Journal, vol 337, no 7667, 23 August 2008
Pagespp 441-445
KeywordsIll health ; General practice ; Medical care ; Quality ; Indicators ; Social surveys ; England.
AnnotationStudies of single health conditions have suggested shortfalls in quality of care in England. 8688 participants in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) answered a structured survey questionnaire by face-to-face interview regarding medical panel endorsed quality of care indicators for both publicly and privately provided care. 4417 reported diagnosis on one or more of 13 conditions. Participants were eligible for 19082 items of indicated care, receipt of which varied substantially by condition. The percentage of indicated care received by eligible participants was highest for ischaemic heart disease (83%), followed by hearing problems (79%), pain management (78%), diabetes (74%), hypertension (72%), stroke (65%), depression (64%), patient centred care (58%), poor vision (58%), osteoporosis (53%), urinary incontinence (51%), falls management (44%), osteoarthritis (29%), and overall (62%). Substantially more indicated care was received for general medical (74%) than for geriatric conditions (57%), and for conditions included in the general practice pay for performance contract (75%) than excluded from it (58%). Shortfalls in receipt of basic recommended care by adults aged 50+ with common health conditions i England were most noticeable in areas associated with disability and frailty, but few areas were exempt. Efforts to improve care have substantial scope to achieve better health outcomes and particularly need to include chronic conditions that affect older people's quality of life. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080901201 A
ClassmarkCH: L5: LK: 59: 3RI: 3F: 82 *

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