Centre for Policy on Ageing


Organising volunteer management
Author(s)Angela Ellis Paine, Joanna Machin
Corporate AuthorInstitute for Volunteering Research
PublisherInstitute for Volunteering Research, London, April 2008
Pages7 pp (Research bulletin)
SourceInstitute for Volunteering Research, Regent's Wharf, 8 All Saints Street, London N1 9RL. Website: www.ivr.org.uk E-mail: ivr@volunteeringengland.org
KeywordsVoluntary workers ; Personnel ; Management [care] ; Social surveys.
AnnotationWith nearly one-third of organisations reporting that they had no funding for volunteer management and less than half funding it through core budgets, this study highlights a lack of financial resources for volunteer management. This bulletin focuses on implementing volunteer management within organisations, and reports many elements of good practice being employed. Many organisations experience some challenges with recruiting volunteers, and there is much demand for more volunteers, although that demand is limited. There is a considerable difference between organisations. Small ones tend to lack both the financial and the human resources for volunteer management; are least likely to implement good practice; and most likely to perceive recruitment and retention issues as a challenge. This research bulletin summarises findings from the authors' main report on this study, "Management matters: a national survey of volunteer management capacity" (available online at www.ivr.org.uk). The study was funded by Capacitybuilders as part of the ChangeUp programme delivered by the Volunteering Hub, and involved telephone interviews with 1382 individuals identified as having responsibility for managing or organising volunteers within their organisations. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080819002 P
ClassmarkQV: QM: QA: 3F *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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