Centre for Policy on Ageing


Development and validation of a tool to improve physician identification of elder abuse
 — the Elder Abuse Suspicion Index (EASI)
Author(s)Mark J Yaffe, Christina Wolfson, Maxine Lithwick
Journal titleJournal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, vol 20, no 3, 2008
PublisherThe Haworth Press, Inc., 2008
Pagespp 276-300
KeywordsElder abuse ; Diagnosis ; General practitioners ; Evaluation ; United States of America.
AnnotationThis study aimed to develop and validate a brief tool for physicians to use to improve identification of suspicion about the presence of absence of elder abuse. A literature view on elder abuse, obstacles to its identification, limitations of detection tools, and characteristics of screeners employed by physicians were used generate elder abuse detection questions for critique by 31 doctors, nurses and social workers in focus groups. Six resulting questions became the Elder Abuse Suspicion Index (EASI) administered by 104 family doctors to 995 cognitively intact older people in ambulatory care settings. Findings were compared to a recognised, detailed elder abuse Social Work Evaluation (SWE) later administered to participants by social workers blinded to the results of the EASI. The EASI had an estimated sensitivity and specificity of 0.47 and 075 respectively, usually took less than 2 minutes to ask, and 97.2% of doctors felt it would have some or major practice impact. This research is the first phase in the development and validation of a user-friendly tool that might sensitise physicians to elder abuse and promote referrals of possible victims for in-depth assessment by specialist professionals. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080808039 A
ClassmarkQNT: LK7: QT6: 4C: 7T

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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