Centre for Policy on Ageing


A review of the research evidence surrounding risk perceptions, risk management strategies and their consequences in adult social care for different groups of service users
Author(s)Wendy Mitchell, Caroline Glendinning
Corporate AuthorSocial Policy Research Unit - SPRU, University of York
PublisherSocial Policy Research Unit, University of York, York, 2007
Pages117 pp (Working paper no DHR 2180 01 07)
SourceThe Publications Office, Social Policy Research Unit, University of York, Heslington, York Y010 5DD. Link to download: http://php.york.ac.uk/inst/spru/pubs/205/
KeywordsServices ; Management [care] ; Usage [services] ; Rights [elderly] ; Consumer ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationThe broad aim was to research evidence on the perceptions and management of risk within and between different groups of adult social care service users and professional staff - including the impact of corporate and organisational factors on the behaviour of front line staff - and to identify gaps in evidence. This review outlines the aims, scope and methods; presents an overview of the evidence base; and explains how the literature was identified, the criteria for inclusion and areas of adult social care researched. The review concentrated on UK data and empirically based research since 1990, and excluded acutely mentally ill older people. Arising from this review, seven themes are identified and discussed in relation to risk: the search for a "normal" life; the importance of socially perceived competence; strategies to gain or maintain control; different organisational contexts; the importance of personal knowledge and experience; wider socio-economic factors; and the role of technology. The review notes that while some research evidence relating to users of direct payments was found, less is available on In Control and individual budgets. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080804001 E
ClassmarkI: QA: QLD: IKR: WY: 64A

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