Centre for Policy on Ageing


Never too late for living
 — inquiry into services for older people
Author(s)Clive Betts , Janet Sillett, Amelie Cookson
Corporate AuthorAll Party Parliamentary Local Government Group; Centre for Service Transformation, Local Government Information Unit - LGIU; Chief Executive's Office, Essex County Council
PublisherLocal Government Information Unit, London, July 2008
Pages44 pp
SourceOnly available as a pdf to download free of charge, at: http://www.lgiu.gov.uk/publication-detail.jsp?&id=...
KeywordsServices ; Local Authority ; Consumer choice ; Social policy ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationFor too long, adult social care and services for older people have been the poor relations of health and children's services. The All Party Parliamentary Local Government Group (APPG), a genuinely cross-party group, emphasises that public perceptions about ageing need to change. The report discusses and gives examples illustrating current issues: the future of care funding; individual budgets; service integration; personalisation; the value of formal and informal care; volunteering; housing; innovations in care; and the role of district councils. The key recommendations include: a national agreement of the outcomes that define quality of life in later years; a simple way to know how these outcomes will be delivered sustainably; transparency about what public money is being spent locally; a way of moving money from treating illness to preventing it; broadening the debate about health and social care to address quality of life more widely; a national gateway to support better housing choices; and a simpler way for people to volunteer throughout their lives. There was a broad consensus on the principles for a future system, based on sustainability, transparency, fairness, flexibility and accessibility. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080728003 E
ClassmarkI: PE: WYC: TM2: 583

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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