Centre for Policy on Ageing


Life-course events and later-life employment
 — a report of research carried out by the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), University of Essex on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions
Author(s)Morten Blekesaune, Mark Bryan, Mark Taylor
Corporate AuthorInstitute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex; Department for Work and Pensions - DWP
PublisherCorporate Document Services, Leeds, 2008
Pages107 pp (Department for Work and Pensions Research report, no 502)
SourceCorporate Document Services, 7 Eastgate, Leeds LS2 7EY. E-mail: orderline@cds.co.uk Website: www.cds.co.uk Download from DWP website: http://www.dwp.gov.uk/asd/asd5/rrs-index.asp
KeywordsLife span ; Employees ; Employment of older people ; Social characteristics [elderly] ; Social surveys.
AnnotationThe focus is on employment outcomes for men and women aged 50-70. Employment rates for this group decline from over 80% for men and 70% for women at age 50 to 10% men and 6% women at age 70. A sequential approach is used, beginning with an investigation of the impact of very early life events (parental background and education), to see their "total" effects on later-life employment. Adulthood events examine labour market entry, family formation and employment history. Later life events and employment consider job strains, health, and factors such as partner's employment status, pension scheme membership, savings behaviour, and training. The report uses as data sources the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS), the Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study (ONS LS), and the Workplace Employment Relations Survey (WERS) 2004. The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA), which began collecting retrospective life history data in 2007, is suggested as a possible source for extending this research. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080718001 B
ClassmarkBG6: WK: GC: F: 3F

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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