Centre for Policy on Ageing


ACE National News
Corporate AuthorCarers UK; ACE National (Action for Carers and Employment)
Journal titleACE National News, 2003 April to February 2008 (selected issues)
PublisherCarers UK, London
AnnotationAction for Carers and Employment - ACE National - partnership was led by Carers UK and carried out ground breaking work in supporting the inclusion of carers in training and work, funded by the European Social Fund's Equal Community Initiative Programme. From 2002-2005, ACE National focused on the barriers facing individual carers who want to work, testing support such as pre-vocational training, tailored advice and guidance, targeted support services from mainstream employment services such as Jobcentre Plus and the promotion of carer-friendly policies and practices in the workplace. ACE National's focus from 2005-2007 was to explore the factors that influence why, how and if carers access alternative care services that enable them to work and use delivery partnerships to identify and enhance existing care services, and develop and test new care services, which enable carers to work. This series of newsletters carried news of the partnership and project as it developed; 16 newsletters were published with the last one in February 2008. Further evaluation reports are available from the website to download. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-080710204 H

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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