Centre for Policy on Ageing


Gaining independence
 — an evaluation of service users' accounts of the individual budgets pilot
Author(s)Guy Daly, Annette Roebuck
Journal titleJournal of Integrated Care, vol 16, issue 3, 2008
Pagespp 17-25
KeywordsServices ; Finance [care] ; Consumer choice ; Pilot ; Evaluation ; Coventry.
AnnotationCoventry City Council has pursued an outcomes-focused approach to care planning. Researchers from Coventry University's Faculty of Health and Life Sciences present the findings of an evaluation of the impact on service users of that local authority's individual budgets pilot. The research suggests that these service users and their families see individual budgets as a very positive development. Service users have been able to gain greater control over their lives, not least in that they are able to determine to a much greater extent how they have their needs met. This facilitates service users' ability to engage more fully and on a more equal footing with their families and communities. However, a number of challenges remain before individual budgets - or personal budgets generally - can be introduced successfully across adult health and social care. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080704203 A
ClassmarkI: QC: WYC: 4UC: 4C: 87G

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