Centre for Policy on Ageing


Individual budgets and personalisation
 — a new model for integration?
Author(s)Melanie Henwood, Bob Hudson
Journal titleJournal of Integrated Care, vol 16, issue 3, 2008
Pagespp 8-16
KeywordsServices ; Coordination ; Interaction [welfare services] ; Finance [care] ; Evaluation.
AnnotationThe adult social care system will increasingly be characterised by "personalisation". Maximising choice, control and power over the support services that people access is to be achieved principally by development of personal budgets. Already there are signs that the Government wants to extend the model from adult social care and to apply it to other areas of public service, the most obvious being health services (particularly in respect of long-term conditions) and support for disabled children and their families. The authors draw on findings from their in-depth study commissioned by the Department of Health (DH), 'Here to stay? Self-directed support: aspiration and implementation: a review for the Department of Health' (Melanie Henwood Associates, June 2007). They highlight some of the challenges and opportunities which arise for authorities attempting to engage with personalisation and to develop more integrated responses to people's support needs. It is clear that the "Total Transformation" to which many aspire will not be achieved overnight, but equally this is an area of policy change which cannot be left to the enthusiasts. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080704202 A
ClassmarkI: QAJ: QK6: QC: 4C

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