Centre for Policy on Ageing


Commissioning for personalised care
 — speech by Dame Denise Platt, Chair, Commission for Social Care Inspection, [at] National Commissioning and Contracting Conference, Derbyshire, 10 July 2007
Author(s)Denise Platt
Corporate AuthorCommission for Social Care Inspection - CSCI
PublisherCommission for Social Care Inspection, 2007
Pages11 pp
SourceLink to download: http://www.csci.org.uk/about_us/speeches/commissio...
KeywordsServices ; Health services ; Needs [elderly] ; Policy ; Contracts.
AnnotationThe baby-boomer generation now entering "old age" have expectations which are more demanding than those of previous generations. Therefore, the starting point for this speech is that if personalised care is to be made a reality, ways in which services have hitherto been commissioned will have to change. Commissioned personalised care will have to be defined in terms of: ensuring quality; meeting people's needs; promoting independence; providing choice; and commissioning cost-effectively and for better outcomes; and supporting the whole community. Denise Platt's assessment is that while commissioning is improving, the following must be borne in mind: involving the public and people who use services; encouraging flexibility and innovation; and working out what effective joint commissioning will look like in the future. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080625001 E
ClassmarkI: L: IK: QAD: 6QH *

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