Centre for Policy on Ageing


Person centred support: a guide for service users
 — useful information for service users who got involved in the Standards We Expect project about person centred support
Author(s)Peter Beresford, Catherine Bewley, Fran Branfield
Corporate AuthorStandards We Expect Project, Centre for Social Action, De Montfort University; Shaping Our Lives, National User Network; Centre for Citizen Participation, Brunel University
PublisherStandards We Expect Project, Centre for Social Action, De Montfort University, Leicester, March 2008
Pages32 pp
SourceStandards We Expect Project, Centre for Social Action, De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester LE1 9BH. (Website: www.standardsweexpect.org). From July 2008, contact: Shaping Our Lives, National User Network, BM Box 4845, London
WC1N 3XX. (Website: www.shapingourlives.org.uk)
KeywordsPhysical disabilities ; Personality ; Management [care] ; Services ; Usage [services] ; Projects ; Guides, guide books.
AnnotationThe Standards We Expect Project - which began in 2005, ending in June 2008 - was funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF), and looked at services for people with disabilities from the barriers and equalities approach. The Project thinks that person centred services are about helping people to live their lives as they want to. It found eight important things about person centred support: choice and control; setting goals; good relationships; listening; information; being positive; learning; and flexibility. This information pack is for service users who came to the training workshops and took part in the Project. It aims to share ideas and provide access to information on rights, services, money support (e.g. direct payments and individual budgets) and housing. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080612005 B
ClassmarkBN: DK: QA: I: QLD: 3E: 69N

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