Centre for Policy on Ageing


Transport briefing
 — [update on free nationwide bus travel]
Corporate AuthorNational Pensioners Convention - NPC
PublisherNational Pensioners Convention - NPC, London, April 2008
Pages3 pp
SourceNational Pensioners Convention, 19-23 Ironmonger Row, London EC1V 3QN. www.natpencon.org.uk email: admin@natpencon.org.uk
KeywordsTravel concessions ; Free travel ; Buses.
AnnotationThe Concessionary Bus Travel Act 2007 came into force on 1 April 12008, and aims to provide free, off-peak bus travel for pensioners and disabled people throughout England. This briefing clarifies how the Act will be applied, examines issues of finance, and notes what the Act does not cover and the role of bus companies. It re-states the case for free travel, also the need to monitor that the Act works effectively in all localities. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080523001 P
ClassmarkOHA: OHF: O4 *

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