Centre for Policy on Ageing


Sexual behavior in later life
Author(s)John DeLamater, Sara M Moorman
Journal titleJournal of Aging and Health, vol 19, no 6, December 2007
Pagespp 921-945
KeywordsSexual activity ; Biological ageing ; Health [elderly] ; Cross sectional surveys ; Social surveys ; United States of America.
AnnotationThis research tests the influences of age, biological and psychosocial factors on sexual expression in later life. The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Modern Maturity Sexuality Survey collected data on diagnosed illnesses, treated illnesses, sexual desire, sexual attitudes, partner circumstances and sexual behaviour from 1384 persons aged 45 and older. Ordered logistic regression models estimate the associations of age, biological and psychosocial factors with the frequency of five sexual behaviours. Diagnosed illnesses and treatments are generally unrelated to frequency of sexual activity. Sexual attitudes are related to frequency of partnered behaviour and sexual desire is related to frequency of masturbation among both women and men. Satisfaction with the physical relationship with a partner is strongly related to behaviour. Age remains significant after all other factors are controlled. The authors conclude that the nature of sexual expression in later life reflects the interplay of body, mind and social context. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080507203 A
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