Centre for Policy on Ageing


Healthy Retirement Project; incorporating Healthy Retirement Project (1997-1999) [and] Health and Well-being in Retirement (2000-2002)
 — Technical report (last updated January 17 2006)
Author(s)Yvonne Wells, David deVaus, Hal Kendig
Corporate AuthorLincoln Centre for Ageing and Community Care Research, La Trobe University; University of Sydney, Australia
PublisherElectronic format only, Sydney, 2006
Pages99 pp
SourceDownload report from: http://www.latrobe.edu.au/aipc/projects/hrp.pdf
KeywordsGood Health ; Well being ; Retirement ; Longitudinal surveys ; Australia.
AnnotationIn recent years, in Australia as in other Western societies, workforce participation and the exit from paid work for older workers have been transformed. The Project was conceived in response to two things. First, dissatisfaction with the quality of the programmes currently available to help retirees, which concentrate largely on financial advice. Second, a need for up-to-date information on retirement to assist the development of new programmes for retirees. The Healthy Retirement Project began in 1998, and data collection was completed at the end of 2002. This document is intended to provide technical details on the methods and measures used in the Healthy Retirement Project, which incorporates the Healthy Retirement Project (1997-1999) and its successor, the project Health and Well-Being in Retirement (2000-2002). These details are reported in six sections: Funding, Background, Recruitment, Procedures, Samples, and Measures. These sections are followed by data on scale means and a list of publications arising from the Project. Most substantial is the section on measures, which is intended to provide sufficient technical details on the items and questionnaires used in the study to reduce or remove altogether the need for substantial descriptions of measures in future publications. This material is "often repetitive and of little interest to the general reader",. according to the authors. Appendices comprising focus group schedules, and pre-retirement, at-retirement and one year after retirement questionnaires form more than half of the report. (KJ/RH)
Accession NumberCPA-080506208 E
ClassmarkCD: D:F:5HH: G3: 3J: 7YA

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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