Centre for Policy on Ageing


Alzheimer's disease: the psychological and physical effects of the caregiver's role
 — Part 2
Author(s)Edel Mannion
Journal titleNursing Older People, vol 20, no 4, May 2008
Pagespp 33-39
KeywordsDementia ; Informal care ; Stress ; Health [elderly] ; Qualitative Studies ; Ireland.
AnnotationThe purpose of this quantitative study was to investigate the physical and psychological effects on informal caregivers of looking after a person with Alzheimer's disease (AD). A descriptive survey was conducted in counties Galway, Mayo and Roscommon in Ireland using a simple random sample of caregivers registered with the Alzheimer Society of Ireland, Galway or the Western Alzheimer's Foundation. The study's findings show that a significant proportion of caregivers reported poor self-rated health and depression. Restless sleep and a decreased tolerance for pain were also common. This article is the second of two in this issue of Nursing Older People about Alzheimer's disease and its effect on informal carers. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080506204 A
ClassmarkEA: P6: QNH: CC: 3DP: 763

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