Centre for Policy on Ageing


A report on in Control's second phase: evaluation and learning 2005-2007
 — edited by Carl Poll and Simon Duffy; [with evaluation by] Chris Hatton [and] John Waters
Author(s)Chris Hatton, John Waters, Simon Duffy
Corporate Authorin Control; Institute for Health Research, University of Lancaster
Publisherin Control Publications, London, 2008
Pages144 pp
Sourcein Control Publications, 4 Swan Courtyard, Coventry Road, Birmingham B26 1BU. E-mail: admin@in-control.org.uk Website: www.in-control.org.uk
KeywordsSocial security benefits ; Independence ; Needs [elderly] ; Services ; Living in the community ; Evaluation.
AnnotationIn 2003, in Control began work on developing a new model for social care, its main aim being independent living, to have choice and control in how support needs are met. The organisation's earlier work is analysed in a report on its first phase, 2003-2005 (document 0218 or for summary, 0219 on its website). The present report continues the story: more than 100 local authorities are in Control members and are implementing self-directed support for people from all "social care groups". The report is in two parts, Part 1 being an evaluation. Part 2 contain seven chapters in which different authors reflect on lessons offered by in Control's work in important subject areas: Self-Directed Support - a universal system; economics; support planning and brokerage; children and young people; community; commissioning and provision; and in Control's role. An appendix presents a joint statement by in Control and the National Centre for Independent Living (NCIL), whereby the two organisations work in partnership. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080430003 B
ClassmarkJH: C3: IK: I: K4: 4C

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