Centre for Policy on Ageing


How much will pensions and long-term care cost in the future?
Corporate AuthorPensions Policy Institute - PPI; New Dynamics of Ageing programme (NDA)
PublisherPensions Policy Institute - PPI (Electronic format only), April 2008
Pages4 pp (PPI Briefing note no 46)
SourceDownload from: http://www.pensionspolicyinstitute.org.uk Pensions Policy Institute, King's College, 3rd Floor, 26 Drury Lane, London WC2B 5RL.
KeywordsPensions ; Services ; Domiciliary services ; Long term ; Expenditure [care].
AnnotationTo help improve our understanding of the complex relationship between pensions and long-term care, the New Dynamics of Ageing programme (NDA) is funding the Modelling Ageing Populations in 2030 Research Group, an interdisciplinary team, bringing together the Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) with experts from the London School of Economics (LSE), the University of East Anglia (UEA), the University of Leicester and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). In order to inform public debate and the development of future policy, the project aims to produce long-term projections of expenditure on pensions and long-term care up to 2030 and beyond, on a consistent basis. This Briefing Note sets out some preliminary results, and highlights the importance of considering both policy areas together. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080429001 E
ClassmarkJJ: I: N: 4Q: QD *

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