Centre for Policy on Ageing


The Mental Capacity Act in practice
 — guidance for end of life care
Author(s)Simon Chapman
Corporate AuthorNational Council for Palliative Care - NCPC
PublisherNational Council for Palliative Care, London, March 2008
Pages43 pp
SourceNational Council for Palliative Care, The Fitzpatrick Building, 188-194 York Way, London N7 9AS. E-mail: enquiries@ncpc.org.uk Website: www.ncpc.org.uk
KeywordsMental disorder ; Court of protection ; Terminal care ; Advocacy ; Law ; Guides, guide books.
AnnotationThis new guidance takes into account all new guidance since the NCPC's previous October 2005 publication on the subject: the Code of Practice and establishment of the Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) service; the new Court of Protection; and the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG). It explains the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) in the context of current developments in palliative care; sets out NCPC's future work plans in relation to the MCA; and suggests further reading and websites. It is written for professionals and organisations working in all settings that provide palliative care services, but is also intended to help patients, care home residents, informal carers and family members. Among other issues explained are: assessing capacity; best interests; advance decisions to refuse treatment; liability and responsibility; restraint; third party involvement in decision-making; ill-treatment and neglect; and advance care planning. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080317001 B
ClassmarkE: JVC: LV: IQ: VR: 69N

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