Centre for Policy on Ageing


National stroke strategy
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Health - DH
PublisherDepartment of Health - DH, December 2007
Pages80 pp (ref: 9025)
SourceDownload from website: http://www.dh.gov/stroke Stroke Team, Vascular Department, Department of Health, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UG.
KeywordsStroke ; Medical care ; Rehabilitation ; Medical workers ; Guides, guide books.
AnnotationThis strategy has been developed by six expert project groups. It does not act as detailed clinical guidance. Rather, it sets a framework of quality markers (QMs) for raising the quality of stroke prevention, treatment, care and support in England: too few people understand what a stroke is. The strategy starts with the need for members of the public and health and social care staff to be able to recognise the main symptoms and know that it needs to be treated as a medical emergency. Two themes in the care pathway are highlighted: the need to improve information, advice and support; and involving people and their carers in developing and monitoring services. 'Time is brain' sets out changes needed in the emergency treatment of transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs, or minor strokes) and stroke. 'Life after stroke' includes consideration of high-quality specialist rehabilitation, end-of-life care, seamless transfer of care, long-term care and support, assessment and review, participation in community life, and return to work. The workforce and supporting networks - e.g. establishing key stakeholder and provider networks - are considered. Development of research and audit to support local implementation is recommended. A 10-point plan summarises the strategy's key features: awareness; preventing stroke; involvement; acting on warnings; stroke as a medical emergency; stroke unit quality; rehabilitation and community support; participation; treatment by a skilled workforce; and service improvement. A glossary and listing of key resources are included as annexes. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080314201 E
ClassmarkCQA: LK: LM: QT: 69N

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