Centre for Policy on Ageing


More than a job
 — working carers : evidence from the 2001 Census
Author(s)Lisa Buckner, Sue Yeandle
Corporate AuthorACE National (Action for Carers and Employment; Carers UK; University of Leeds
PublisherCarers UK, London, 2006
Pages4 pp
SourceCarers UK, 20/25 Glasshouse Yard, London EC1A 4JT. http://www.carersuk.org
KeywordsInformal care ; Census ; Population statistics ; Employees.
AnnotationThe 2001 Census was the first one to include a question on the provision of unpaid care. It revealed that 10% of the population (some 5.2 million people) across England and Wales provide unpaid care, and almost 3.9 million carers are of working age. This pamphlet summarises findings about carers' employment, health, ethnicity and geographical distribution from the report, 'Statistical analysis - working carers: evidence from the 2001 Census'. While carers are found in all industries and in jobs at all levels, men and women who provide 20 or more hours of unpaid care a week are clustered in low level, low paid jobs, so may be working 'below potential'. The research was commissioned by Carers UK on behalf of the ACE National Partnership and part-funded under the European Social Fund (ESF) EQUAL Community Initiative Programme. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080310204 P
ClassmarkP6: S4C: S4: WK *

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