Centre for Policy on Ageing


Does greater frequency of contact with general physicians reduce feelings of mastery in older adults?
Author(s)John Cairney, Laurie M Corna, Terrance Wade
Journal titleJournals of Gerontology: Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, vol 62B, no 4, July 2007
Pagespp P226-P229
KeywordsGeneral practice ; Usage [services] ; Self esteem ; Competence ; Longitudinal surveys ; Cross sectional surveys ; Canada.
AnnotationOne aspect of Rodin's hypothesis concerning age-related decline in mastery - the effect of frequent contact with the health care sector on mastery - is tested. Cross-sectional and longitudinal multiple regression analyses were conducted to examine the effect of general physician (GP) visits on mastery. In the cross-sectional analyses, a higher number of GP visits is associated with lower mastery, but this relationship is substantially weakened when physical health is entered in the analysis. The effect of GP visits on mastery thus appears to be significantly confounded by physical health problems. These findings direct attention away from the role of contact with the health care sector in influencing perceived mastery and toward the importance of physical health status as both a cause and potential consequence of changes in perceived control with age. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080305215 A
ClassmarkL5: QLD: DPA: DPB: 3J: 3KB: 7S

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