Centre for Policy on Ageing


Independence and well-being of older people : baseline report
 — a social portrait of ageing in the UK
Corporate Author[Department for Work and Pensions - DWP]; HM Government
PublisherCorporate Document Services - CDS, London, October 2006
Pages68 pp
SourceDownload from website: http://www.dwp.gov.uk/publications/dwp/2006/opport...
KeywordsAgeing process ; Independence ; Well being ; Health [elderly] ; Housing [elderly] ; Employment of older people ; Statistics [data].
AnnotationThe Government strategy for an ageing society, 'Opportunity age: meeting the challenges of ageing in the 21st century' (Cm 6466; 2005), included a commitment to develop a set of indicators of older people's well-being and independence. This document brings together baseline data for 2004/05, which will be used for monitoring progress towards achieving the 'Opportunity age' strategy objectives. The indicators of older people's independence and well-being cover the five domains outlined in 'Opportunity age': independence in supportive communities; healthy active ageing; fairness in work and later life; material well-being; and support and care. The appendices list areas where indicators need to be developed, and detail the indicators that are being used and their data sources. A progress report will be published every two years identifying recent trends in the indicators. Updated data will be provided in between publications, which will be accessible on the DWP website (http://www.dwp.gov.uk/opportunity_age/). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080225204 E
ClassmarkBG: C3: D:F:5HH: CC: KE: GC: 6C

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