Centre for Policy on Ageing


Effects of combined intervention programmes for people with dementia living at home and their caregivers
 — a systematic review
Author(s)Carolien H M Smits, Jacomine de Lange, Rose-Marie Dröes
Journal titleInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol 22, no 12, December 2007
Pagespp 1181-1193
KeywordsDementia ; Family care ; Mental health [elderly] ; Services ; Health services ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationElectronic databases and key articles were searched for effect studies of combined programmes published between January 1992 and February 2005. The resulting 52 reports were scored according to set inclusion criteria. 25 reports relating to 22 programmes met the inclusion criteria. Various aspects of caregivers' mental health and burden were studied. Best results were obtained regarding general mental health. Other aspects often showed modest and varying results. Less often addressed was caregivers' competence. The effects on the cognitive and physical functioning behavioural problems and survival of people with dementia were modest and inconsistent, whereas their mental health is positively affected and admission to long-stay care is often delayed. Combined programmes may improve some but not all aspects of functioning for caregiver and person with dementia. Care professionals must define their programme goals and target groups before advising their clients on a combined programme. Research may focus on the effects of programmes that were introduced fairly recently and on sub-groups of caregivers (female caregivers, depressed caregivers, and people with dementia and minorities). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080212201 A
ClassmarkEA: P6:SJ: D: I: L: 64A

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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