Centre for Policy on Ageing


Smoking cessation and transition into retirement
 — analyses from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing
Author(s)Iain A Lang, Neil E Rice, Robert B Wallace
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 36, no 6, November 2007
Pagespp 638-643
KeywordsTobacco smoking ; Preventative medicine ; Attitude ; Retirement ; Longitudinal surveys ; England.
AnnotationTransitions such as retirement may represent points at which changes in health behaviour occur. This study is part of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA), and aimed to assess whether transition into retirement is associated with increased rates of smoking cessation. The design was a population-based prospective cohort study in England, with 1712 smokers aged 50+ who were followed up for 5 to 6 years. Work status (working/retired) and smoking status (non-smoker/smoker) at baseline and follow-up were measured. Results showed at baseline, 381 (22.2%) of respondents had retired, 444 (25.9%) were working and remained in work at follow-up, and 167 (9.8%) transitioned from work to retirement; 724 (42.1%) had some other status. 42.5% of those who retired quit smoking; for those remaining in employment this figure was 29.3%, and for those already retired it was 30.2%. In adjusted regression analyses, those aged 55-70 who retired were more than twice as likely to quit smoking as those who continued to work. Results were robust when those who retired for reasons of ill-health were excluded. The results suggest individuals who undergo the transition into retirement are more likely to quit smoking than those who do not. Interventions should be developed to specifically target those who are retiring, or soon to retire, and those who are due to retire should be helped to incorporate smoking cessation into their retirement planning. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-080121218 A
ClassmarkETT: LK2: DP: G3: 3J: 82

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