Centre for Policy on Ageing


Your guide to state pension deferral
 — putting off your state pension to get extra state pension or a lump-sum payment later
Corporate AuthorThe Pension Service, Department for Work and Pensions - DWP
PublisherThe Pension Service, Northampton, April 2006
Pages102 pp (SPD1)
SourceThe Pension Service, Freepost RLXH-JUEU-GZCH, Northampton NN3 6DF. Available in other formats, contact tel: 0845 7 31 32 33 Website: http://thepensionservice.gov.uk
AnnotationThis is the current guide to State Pension deferral which allows the claimant to delay claiming their pension in order to build up extra income or a taxable lump sum payment. A briefer leaflet (SPD2) 'Deferring your state pension' is also available. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-071218202 B

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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