Centre for Policy on Ageing


European study of long-term care expenditure
 — Investigating the sensitivity of projections of future long-term care expenditure in Germany, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom to changes in assumptions about demography, dependency, informal care, formal care and unit costs : report to, the European
Author(s)Adelina Comas-Herrera, Raphael Wittenberg
Corporate AuthorPersonal Social Services Research Unit - PSSRU, LSE Health and Social Care, London School of Economics; Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs, European Commission
PublisherPSSRU, LSE Health and Social Care, London School of Economics, London, 2003
Pages233 pp (PSSRU Discussion Paper 1840)
SourceDownload: http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/soc-prot/hea...
KeywordsServices ; Health services ; Long term ; Expenditure [care] ; Consumer demand ; Comparison ; Germany ; Spain ; Italy ; United Kingdom.
AnnotationThis European study investigated the key factors that are likely to affect future expenditure on long-term care services in Germany, Spain, Italy and the UK. The approach involves investigating how sensitive long-term care projections are to assumptions made about future trends in different factors, using comparable projection models. Among features investigated are: demographic change; trends in functional dependency (defined as the ability to perform activities of daily living - ADLs); future availability of informal care; the structure of formal care services and patterns of provision; and the future unit costs of services. The report describes long-term care systems and the long-term care projection models for the four countries. The sensitivity of the projections to different assumptions are considered in respect of economic growth and real costs of care; demographic assumptions; dependency rates and health assumptions; and trends in and projections for informal and formal care. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-071217205 E
ClassmarkI: L: 4Q: QD: WYD: 48: 767: 76S: 76V: 8

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