Centre for Policy on Ageing


Keeping the thread
 — older men's social networks in Sydney, Australia
Author(s)Cerdic Hall, Anthony Brown, Suzanne Gleeson
Journal titleQuality in Ageing, vol 8, no 4, December 2007
Pagespp 10-17
KeywordsOlder men ; Friendship ; Social interaction ; Isolation ; Social surveys ; Australia.
AnnotationThe objective of this study was to find out more about older men's experience of social activities including their preferences for creating and maintaining satisfying social connections and to identify barriers and enablers to their participation in social activities. Men aged 65 and older living in Central Sydney Area Health Service (CSAHS) were recruited for five focus groups (n=29). The men were asked about their experience of social interaction, with the transcripts of the groups analysed thematically. Results showed that strategies employed to combat life's challenges, e.g. divorce, health changes, retirement, widowhood, included : a positive attitude, physical and mental activity and involvement in meaningful activities. Participants outlined their preferences for socialising within activities and suggested these differed from women. Activities that men saw as meaningful helped them cope with challenging events. Older men have preferred ways of maintaining social well-being and constructing social networks that may be influential in developing services. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-071211212 A
ClassmarkBC: DS:SX: TMA: TP: 3F: 7YA

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