Centre for Policy on Ageing


Caring while living apart
Author(s)Sofie Ghazanfareeon Karlsson, Stina Johansson, Arne Gerdner
Journal titleJournal of Gerontological Social Work, vol 49, no 4, 2007
Pagespp 3-28
KeywordsInformal care ; Living patterns ; Personal relationships ; Family relationships ; Sweden.
AnnotationIn recent years, researchers have paid increasing attention to the issue of care in the new types of family and partner relationships. This study examines expectations and attitudes concerning care among older people in Living Apart Together (LAT) relationships in Sweden, that is, people who have a long-term intimate relationship, but who do not share a common home. 116 older people in LAT relationships completed questionnaires. Partners are ranked as the main providers of care - especially by men- but there is considerable variation in the answers. This seems to be principally related the the degree of flexibility in this type of relationship. Some individuals see an LAT relationship as a marriage-like relationship, while others see it primarily as a type of relationship that guarantees them the possibility of maintaining their own independent way of life. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-071126217 A
ClassmarkP6: K7: DS: DS:SJ: 76P

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