Centre for Policy on Ageing


Support for self care for patients with chronic disease
Author(s)Anne Kennedy, Anne Rogers, Peter Bower
Journal titleBritish Medical Journal, vol 335 no 7627, 10 November 2007
Pagespp 968-970
KeywordsChronic illness ; Self care capacity ; Needs [elderly] ; National Health Service ; Medical care ; Attitude ; Medical workers.
AnnotationThe authors argue that effective self care requires fundamental changes in professional attitudes and the way health care is delivered. Current interventions have only modest effects on patients' health and use of health services. One possible explanation is that interventions tend to focus solely on the patient. Interventions need to reflect the ways in which patients and professionals respond to long-term illness. Approaches need to target patients, professionals and healthcare organisations. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-071126203 A
ClassmarkCI: CA: IK: L4: LK: DP: QT *

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