Centre for Policy on Ageing


Comparative analysis of existing impact assessments of anti-discrimination legislation
 — mapping study on existing national legislative measures - and their impact in - tackling discrimination outside the field of employment and occupation on the grounds of sex, religion or belief, disability, age and sexual orientation, VT, /2005/062
Author(s)Annick Masselot, Marco Larizza, Todd Landman
Corporate AuthorHuman European Consultancy; Migration Policy Group
PublisherElectronic format, Utrecht, December 2006
Pages106 pp
SourceDownload from website (Oct 07): http://www.migpolgroup.com/multiattachments/3877/D...
KeywordsAgeism ; Law ; Comparison ; International.
AnnotationThis report's purpose is to provide the European Commission with independent and authoritative information on the application and impact of existing national measures combating discrimination in fields and on the grounds where there is no Community legislation. Specifically, it analyses the conclusion of impact assessments of national anti-discrimination law on the grounds of gender, age, religion and belief, disability, and sexual orientation in fields outside employment, such as education, healthcare, access to goods and supply of services, social services and social protection. Countries included in comparative analysis are the 25 EU Member States, Bulgaria, Romania, as well as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and the US. The research asks about methodologies in conducting impact assessments on legislative anti-discrimination measures, and the impact of extending legal protection to fields of application not yet covered by Community anti-discrimination law. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-071107514 E
ClassmarkB:TOB: VR: 48: 72

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