Centre for Policy on Ageing


 — editions in stock: Autumn 2007, Spring 2008
Corporate AuthorBT Age and Disability Services
Journal titleConnections
PublisherBT, London
PagesA5 booklet
SourceBT Disability Services, PP TH15A, Telephone House, Charter Square, Sheffield S1 1BA. Tel: 0800 800 150 Website: http://www.btplc.com/inclusion/
KeywordsPhysical disabilities ; Visual impairment ; Hearing Impairment ; Speech disabilities ; Assistive technology ; Telephone ; Directories.
AnnotationThis publication replaces the Freedom to Communicate guide which was produced every 18 months. This title will be produced twice a year and will act as the prime source of information on all updates on BT products and services for older people or those with disabilities. Available online. Communication Solutions is a more fuller product and services guide, for all consumers, published twice a year and online. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-071105212 H
ClassmarkBN: BR: BV: BW: M: UJ: 69

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

...from the Ageinfo database published by Centre for Policy on Ageing.

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