Centre for Policy on Ageing


Building on firm foundations
 — improving end of life care in care homes : examples of innovative practice
Corporate AuthorNational Council for Palliative Care; End of Life Care Programme, NHS, Department of Health - DH
PublisherElectronic format, June 2007
Pages38 pp
SourceDownloaded (17/10/07) from website: http://www.ncpc.org.uk http://www.endoflifecare.nhs.uk
KeywordsTerminal care ; National Health Service ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Guides, guide books.
AnnotationThe NHS End of Life Care (EoLC) Programme is part of an overall strategy to give people greater choice in their place of care and death, and to provide training for health and social care staff in helping care for people at the end of their lives. This guide suggests ways that care home staff working in partnership with other organisations have improved care that the residents now receive, whether in assessing needs support for staff, new roles, education and training. It highlights where organisations have brought a number of these elements together in a creative way to improve care. Contact details for these individual organisations are given. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-071017206 E
ClassmarkLV: L4: KW: LHB: 69N

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