Centre for Policy on Ageing


Medicare+Choice in 2000
 — will enrollees spend more and receive less?
Author(s)Amanda Cassidy, Marsha Gold
Corporate AuthorCommonwealth Fund; Mathematics Policy Research Inc
PublisherCommonwealth Fund, New York, NY, 2000
Pages26 pp (Program on Medicare's future, ref 394)
SourceThe Commonwealth Fund, One East 75th Street, New York, NY 10021-2692, USA. Website: www.cmfw.org
KeywordsHealth services ; Finance [care] ; Health insurance ; Consumer ; Expenditure [elderly] ; United States of America.
AnnotationMedicare+Choice, Medicare's managed care program, was created under the Balanced Budgets Act 1997 (BBA). This report looks at changes in benefits offered under the program during 1999-2000. Analysis is drawn from a database created by the authors using publicly available data from Medicare Compare, the Health Care Financing Administration's consumer-oriented summary of information on Medicare+Choice plans. Its findings and those in an accompanying Briefing note (same title) indicate that the generosity of benefits offered may well decline. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070928002 B
ClassmarkL: QC: WPG: WY: J3: 7T

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