Centre for Policy on Ageing


Civic engagement and older adults
 — a critical perspective
Author(s)Marty Martinson, Meredith Minkler
Journal titleThe Gerontologist, vol 46, no 3, June 2006
Pagespp 318-324
KeywordsCitizenship ; Voluntary work [elderly] ; Participation.
AnnotationThe ageing of the baby boom generation, together with research that links volunteerism and positive health outcomes in later life, has contributed to a burgeoning of interest in initiatives and programmes promoting civic engagement among older people. Although useful in potentially expanding role options in later life, this growing attention also underscores the importance of stepping back to critically examine frequently overlooked questions concerning the framing and potential consequences of the new emphasis on civic engagement. Following a brief review of the semantics and definition issues, the authors use a critical gerontology framework, emphasising both political economy analysis and perspectives from the humanities, to explore underlying questions such as the following. What roles are older people being encouraged to play in civic life? What meanings are implied by these roles? What political and economic forces underlie these roles? What types of civic engagement are left out of the conversation? The aim is to encourage a broadening of the dialogue to include potentially problematic normative and political economic dimensions of civic engagement, particularly volunteerism, as they pertain to older people. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070926205 A
ClassmarkIKC: GHH: TMB

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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